Thursday, January 24, 2013

One of those moments...

Ok, so I should be doing something else related to my life, like accompishing goals and benchmarks that I set out to achieve.  However, the current bench marks are not playing nice and I have chosen not to play with them until I feel they are willing to co-operate.  (Please read this as I have a writing assignment due and I cannot start it to save my wretched LIFE!!!  So, I have turned to the blog-o-sphere for assistance!)

Given that this is my first post (of what I hope to be many more in the future) I owe you a brief glimpse into my world.  I am a graduate student, I am facing graduation in May--which means that soon I will be forced to join the "adult world".  I am unsure of how I feel about this, is it a plight or a right of passage?

I have two cats and an aging dog.  I am socially awkward and sometimes socially handicapped.  I feel like I think better at a computer rather than with the spoken word, but in the same vein I like to make very large and caricature-esk movements, which just enhances my awkwardness if I happen to be writing in public.  Those who know me either love me or they cannot stand me.  The silver lining to a blog is if you hate can passively scroll on your way with a few clicks.  You might leave me a message expressing your soul crushing hatred for me, but hey...Freedom of Speech right?  Do as you must.

I typically over think everything or I do not think it through at all.  For example...I have been thinking about starting a blog for what seems like FOREVER!  I have paced the floor over it and verbally accosted myself about it! *I think I have a mean girl that lives in my head! Just FYI*

ME:     I think I'll write a blog!

Mean Girl:    Who would read the crap you would post on the interwebs?!?  NOBODY, THAT'S

ME:  Ok, maybe I won't write a blog.... 

So, I listen to the mean girl that lives in my head...but you know, she never speaks up when I'm about to do something completely stupid!!  Like tonight, I was cleaning the cat boxes.  I don't use clumping litter, so this is what goes down!

Mean Girl:  "Just dump the whole box in the bag!  It will go smoothly."

ME: (Like a SMUCK!)  OK!

(Used cat litter spills all over the floor and I am covered in icky grey funk!  Mean Girl is conspicuously quiet!!!)

So, just for spite to prove the mean girl in my head wrong, I have started this blog!

Please, know that I am a light switch, I am either utterly obsessed or I have no clue that something exists on the planet.  This applies to all aspects of my life!  I seem to encounter people who are utterly obsessed with me or those who have no inkling that I am on earth let alone in the same room with them.

And I have a RAGGING case of ADHD as well as OCD.  So, this could be interesting!

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