Friday, January 25, 2013

Wonderful kick-start to the weekend!

Nothing like a swift sucker punch in the gut to start of off your Friday!  I was sleeping peacefully and my alarm clock finally penetrated my dreamy mental lock down.  I pick up my phone and begin checking on the things that I have missed out on during my blissful slumber.  I noticed that during my slumber I missed a phone call, a text message, four emails, three Facebook notifications, and two other apps wanted my attention. 

Me:  WOW!  I'm kinda popular this morning!

Mean Girl:  Heh heh heh!  NOPE!

So, I have a system of priorities on my phone.  Actual phone calls first--800#, no message left...not calling back!  Text messages, EL-Bank texted me to ask if I had recently purchased anything from a RECORD store.... Now, I don't know about you guys, but I have never purchased any RECORD.  I have never been to a RECORD store.  Now, I have purchased audio tapes and up until a few years ago I would buy CDs; however, these days I am purely digital! 

TEXT:  Have you per chance been to a record store lately?

ME: Uhh, what's a record?!?

PHONE:  RING RING RING!!!  (Except that my ringtone is cooler than that!)

ME:  (still half asleep) Hello?

EL-BANK Worker:  Hello, have you been to a record store lately?

ME: No.

EL-BANK Worker:  Well, I see that someone tried to make a purchase at Company X at 2 am.  Was this you?

ME:  Yes, I needed what Company X was selling, and yes, I was purchasing things online at 2 happens!

EL-BANK Worker:  Ok, so did you purchase anything from I....I....m....Im...

ME:  IMDB?  Internet Movie Database?

EL-BANK Worker:  Yes, that!

ME:  Yes, yes I did!

EL-BANK Worker:  Ok, well then there were two purchases to iTunes...was that you as well?

ME:  Yes, but there should only be one!


The conversation goes on as my heart rate slowly returns to normal!  By this time, the Mean Girl in my head is rolling on the floor laughing so hard I can barely hear my heart beating out of my chest!
She quit laughing long enough to say:

Mean Girl: Who would want YOUR money?!?

ME:  ....Someone who was evil and ...well, really.....REALLY broke!

Mean Girl:  Uhh...NOPE!!

Geez!  What a way to start your Friday!  GOOD MORNING--This is your Friday FRAUD ALERT!  Needless to say, I did NOT roll over and go back to sleep!  I get down stairs and my father is concerned because before EL-BANK Worker called me on my cell, they called the land line.

The forecast for tomorrow is just as bleak!  I am going to a "Boat and Outdoor" show....on a....DATE?!?   I am a city slicker that has been transplanted to the country, against her will!  Was I thinking when I agreed to that?!?  Well, it should make for some interesting stories....right?

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